Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where Has All the Good Government Gone

I was reading the paper yesterday and counted at least 6 stories that had an impact on me because they were all about governments or people in the public trust that have violated the taxpayer in some way.

First of all there was the HST. This tax while not being a bad tax for adding to the provincial coffers is horrible for Ontario and B.C. residents.

Again its being implemented on top of all the other taxes which will ultimately reduce spending and encourage more underground economy. In Quebec for example which already has this tax, the grey market is growing and the there are two prices for almost every service. The cash price and the one with the tax. If you are Joe consumer doing a job on you house, which one are you going to pay?

The second issue was a so called Senator that had people from his office staff working on his property. He was charged, but while waiting a year and half ( another issue in my book, how long it takes to go to court in this country)was collecting his $130,000 a year salary for not going to work. Even if he gets the boot, he will still collect an $80,000 a year pension.

The next story is about the Auditor General for the city of Ottawa. Here is a dude that has a pension of $600,000 coming from the time he spent with the Federal Government. He takes a $150,000 year job at the city and asked councilors to top up the difference in the pension he will lose from not working for the feds.

Now this one really rattles me. Ottawa council votes to give him an additional $100k of taxpayers money to make up the difference. This guy will have a $1 million dollar pension plus when he retire. The only thing he has audited is how much money he will have when he retires. Another example how the little guy loses and how the system protects those that are in it.

These are just three examples. The point I am making is that the lowly business man, the one that can't collect unemployment when unemployed, the one that needs to match CPP payments for his or her employees, the one that pays the most taxes and does not have a pension, is the one that gets " scooped" by our laws.

We now have a group of employees working in government that make the rules for themselves. Its kind of like being on a volunteer board a few years back when the first order of business by the board was to give each board member an honorarium for attending board meetings. What was with that! Needless to say I gave my opinion and when it passed I left and donated my time and money to another charity.

We have public servants that make a living using the system and get all the perks and they control it.

We the taxpayer pay for it. What's to become of us. I am not sure how much longer I can afford to continue to support a bunch of fat cats living a life of entitlement. Can you?