Friday, January 20, 2012

Seth Godin and Daniel Pink Right Brain Thinking is Alive and Well

So this week I just returned from the Odyssey Consultant's Training program a 6-day intensive program directed at becoming a trusted advisor and a better consultant. They say 6 days at Odyssey and you will never be the same and its true.

Right off the bat, I knew this was a different program because there was a lot of honesty and trust in the room. It was demonstrated within the first fifteen minutes of being there. The coolest thing about this program was that after day-one, people kept congratulating me for my skill and my craft of being creative.

Most of my life I have been this way only to be shut down by left brain thinkers trying to keep my creative juices hidden in the box or dismissed for being too far out in left field.

One of the colleagues Kevin, said, you should read Daniel Pink's book "A Whole New Mind", which I quickly down loaded on my Ipad and started reading on the plane back from Phoenix.

Pink thinks ( hey that rhymes) that "right brain thinkers" are poised to take over the world. The right hand side of your brain is responsible for the creative side of most ideas.

Pink also believes that "right brainers" and their creativity are going to be responsible for making the world a better place and will help in getting America out of its current funk. I must admit, America is down. Lots of negativity and left brain thinking in the old United States of America.

A confused left brain government, left brain negative business people and left brain ideas.

Get this for an example: understand how banks deal with people that can not pay their mortgage or who have a house under water ( this means worth less than its mortgage).

The banks use left brain thinking in regards to foreclosures. Here is the current left-brain system.

You have trouble paying your mortgage, we kick you out. You end up the the street, the house goes empty, the bank writes you off on its taxes as a loss. The bank makes money. You end up on the street and need social assistance.

The house mean while falls into disrepair, vandals without jobs or a place to live, break into the house and steal all the fixtures. The house is a blight on the neighbourhood, bringing the price of all the houses around it down.

The neighbourhood falls further into disrepair. Price of houses in the area tumble further since this is a neighbourhood in disrepair.The bank then tears the house down because it can't fix it or get anyone to buy it since the neighbourhood is so run down and takes a further tax loss.

The bank pays less taxes to the city because there is no house there only and empty lot. Services and business close or move away because there are no customers or home owners to use their services.

The government takes care of the people on the street, takes a hit on the tax loss from the banks, the city takes less taxes from the banks and the people on the street go to the government for support. This is classic left-brain thinking. People say.. the economy is bad so in this way the left brainers have won once again. We are stupid people.

So here is right brain thinking:

Right brain thinking would have said in the first place - what can you pay, great, let us know. Great we will let you remortgage and be able to stretch your mortgage out as long as you keep the house in good repair. People with homes and mortgages to pay usually get jobs, taxes are paid, people are off the street, communities continue to maintain their standard and banks get some money ( probably not as much as when they foreclose but they get some money) taxes get paid and people look for work and consumer services, neighbourhoods survive.

A simple right brain thought - "lets let them stay for what they can afford, when things turn around we will gradually raise their mortgage and make our money long-term".

Selfish "left brain" America and the banks are driving the country into the ground.

Their thought process is "we could not do this because its not our policy. Why?

Well its just not policy, we compromise our position as banks, we set precedence for everyone and well its just not our policy. What about America and the need for a new policy?

So here we have it, stupid left-brain bankers, unenglightened left brain politicians and lots of old left brain ideas and policy. ( most likely created in the 1920's just before the last crash created by greedy people).

Time to give some of us right brain creatives a chance, we can't screw it up any more than these guys.