Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Great Melt Down Or Greed and More Greed

This week I must admit I had a sudden panic attack when I heard the 5:30 news on CFRA talking about the markets. I thought this is it the end is near. As I sipped my morning coffee and listened to all the doom and gloom I decided that I would take a step back from the radio and the hype and really think about the situation.

My wife has an expression in which she says " all will be well". I thought about that for a moment and decided, the hell with it. All will be well. I instantaneously felt a heck of lot better and decided that it would, regardless of how much the media told me I would soon be out on the street. Wouldn't you know it. The market is up today and oil is down and we still have an election on and the cat still wants to go outside for a walk. Ground hog day once again.

I stepped into the shower and as I was washing my face I heard the little voice in my head. It said " all will be well". I know I married an amazing women and now I know why. When she looks at me and says those four words I feel much better.

To this great planet of ours, even those greedy bastards that took us for a ride, those over promising politicians and those of us who are just working stiffs that go to the office each day and grind out more hamburger I give you this thought. When life hands you a bunch of lemons, make lemonade and remember " all will be well".

Now to finish I have to laugh out loud and wonder. How is it that the President of Merell Lynch can make $197 million in one year and his company goes bankrupt the next and nobody, not even his shareholders say a word. If the markets are in a mess then we have no one to blame but ourselves and if we own shares in any of those companies it time to take stock and perhaps get your money out and buy Whole Foods or donate it to some great charity or buy a kid a new bike.

There is not much that can be said about greed only that it makes human kind do some pretty stupid things. Now if you had $197 million, bought the best BMW, a condo in the city of your choice, the villa in a warm climate and could do whatever you wanted. Don't you think you would be doing something better than stealing other people's money. Its pretty sad really because most of us can live quite nicely on $500,000. Pretty said really. Its really pretty, pretty sad.

Well don't worry we will just suck it up as " living the old American dream" and hope that " all will be well.

Kensel Tracy.com is a blog that records the musings of me Kensel J. Tracy. Its my legacy to the Internet and perhaps someday it may make some sense to someone who cares about what I write. In the meantime you can get some real meat at my other blogs. Until next time, have a nice moment.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Views and News

It is with great excitement that I start this new blog. Kensel Tracy.com will focus in on my personal views about a variety of topics. In some cases I will have a lot of information and in other cases I won't have anything other than an opinion. The key to this blog is to discuss a series of broad based life activities and perhaps share more of myself with the reader.

I know that many blog sites focus in on specific topics. I already blog on The Marketing Coach, Coaching Ezine and The Ten Commitments to a Better Life. These blogs all focus in on a specific topic.

Kensel Tracy.com is really just about what I am thinking about at any point in time in my life and thought it would be good to have a place to keep this information.
Here is an example. Right now we have major elections going on in Canada and the United States. I have really become to loath elections since they are the ultimate in B.S. I say that because candidates that participate in these things will say and do anything to get elected. Take Harper's plan to reduce the cost of truck fuel for example. Its a fine and noble idea and makes sense if you own or drive a truck. Its great window dressing only it really won't make a big difference. Check out today's gas prices, they just went up $.13 in one day.

So I say to you Mr. Harper do this. Give the two cents to the oil companies if you want but give another $.02 to the municipalities to help with infrastructure. If you were to do that you may just be able to help municipalities lower taxes which would put another $100 in the hands of consumers.

I have really become to loath how municipalities do business though. I have seen over the years how great little city organizations have fallen into a state of confusion and dispair. It it sad to watch great organizations like the City of Ottawa crumble into confusion all the while taking more money from the poor home owner.

Like just this week, the City of Ottawa wanted to hire 7 people ( count em 7 ) to become pot hole spotters. When I first came to Ottawa, I heard the joke "what's white and sleeps 7", A City of Ottawa Public Works Truck.

When I used to work for a municipality in the summer, I did wind shield surveys which ment just driving around and waisting time because there was nothing to do. So why couldn't every resident in Ottawa become a pot hole spotter. That way you could run contests with the media on who could spot the biggest pot hole. As apposed to A-hole.

I think it would be really great to be a pot hole spotter. First off you would get a brand new shiny municipal vehicle to drive around. The first thing you would do is go to the office and get your territory for the day. Kensel today you will be working the west end. I have heard that there are a number of pot holes loose in the west end. I want you to go out there and make sure you spot and record em.

Don't get to close to them though they are armed and dangerous. The next thing you would do is then plan your spotting day. I am going into the west end and drive around. I will record the streets I am going drive on and have my spotters outfit.

This would need to be union and safety approved because being a pot hole spotter is dangerous work. Hard hat, safety gloves, tool box, safety glasses, binoculars, hole tester ( a ruler) and spotters guide. The spotters guide is another great tax spend as it could include 150 pages that would outline every type of pot hole you would need to spot.

There's the Jim Durrell. Its round and smart and knows what its doing. Theres the Larry O'Brien that is square and thinks its round and does not know what its doing. You know you could go on and on and on and spend a whole lot of money on the overall book.

Well -- pot hole spotters of the world unite. I think I am going phone my friend Nigel Beale so we can get the lowdown on pot hole spotting. I think theres a book in there somewhere. The Pot Hole Spotters Guide to the Galexy. Who knows it could be a million seller. TA TA for now.

Kensel Tracy.com is a site dedicated to just talking about things and ranting and raving with a focus on common sense. Lets hope for a better tomorrow and be good to everyone.