Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Deja Vu In Quebec

With the Quebec election just around the corner its deja vu time once again for residents of this crazy province.   Our Premier Pauline Marois  has just alienated half the province by deciding that there will be a referendum when she gets elected.  Sure we will be able to use the Canadian currency, passport and yes there will be no borders and yes it will be just like they have in Europe and no we won't salute the Queen, and yes we will still take handouts from the rest of Canada. Not so fast Pauline.  You have told us there will be a referendum. Yes ... separation.

Well this time its different.  Last time around most Canadians loved Quebec and really made a genuine outpouring of love and respect in trying to keep Quebec part of Canada.  This time around though the argument has gone stale, the love is gone and the party has moved on.

 No one including Quebecers really care about separation.  The economy in Quebec just got back to a respectful level, the housing market was strong and tourists felt they could go there and have a great holiday and would be respected for speaking their language of choice and spending their money.

This has all changed.  Since the PQ have openly stated they will separate all bets are off.  Investors don't care about investing in province that has higher corporate taxes, harasses businesses for trying to carry out business in the language of their choice, has higher government interference and does not allow business owners the opportunity to get documentation in either English or French.  Nothing wrong with protecting the island, however no one wants to end up on the island anymore, especially if its going to be a pain in the butt.   There are a lot more inviting places and warmer places to start a business why would you want to do it in Quebec, must be the poutine and cheap beer.

Those on the island are making it pretty clear whether they go to school here, or work here, that long term the island is not for them.  They want to explore the world and be part of the modern world not some broken down, island with high debts, failing infrastructure, minimal health care and restricted views.

So this election will be about principle.  No one including business, individuals from other countries hoping to gain employment here or move here wants to live in an oppressive society regardless of whether it calls itself part of Canada or not.  People want to be free.  Free to wear what they want to work, free to order a meal in any language they choose and free to receive correspondence in the language of their choice.  

Its an old record and old song, sung by a Party, the PQ that are out of step with the times and the events of the world.  Canada is a great country, its admired by everyone in the world.  Quebecers have a choice of freedom or oppression.

 In the modern era, governments regardless of what language you speak cannot take your freedoms, your rights and your values away.  Only dictatorships, small minded people and oppressive governments can.  Quebecers won't let it happen.  The Liberals will prevail in Quebec and the PQ will once again take their small minded views and corrupt ways back to the island.  On the island, eventually life has a way of passing you by.  On the island, eventually you run out of food and water and eventually if no one discovers you, you just fade away.  Lets hope the PQ do the same.