Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Conservatives Miss Great Opportunity in Ontario Election

Well this week I am about to see a great opportunity for a political party go down the drain due to a poor election strategy. I am always amazed that political parties are the last ones to use real marketing in their campaigns. I mean advertisers are used to calling their strategies when implemented campaigns. Why is it that political parties don't call their campaigns, advertising?

Lets look at 5 reasons the Conservatives under Tim Hudack will go down in flames this week after having a pretty convincing opportunity to sweep this election from the Liberals and Dalton McGinty.

1. Not understanding your audience - here the conservatives failed to understand what it was their audience wanted. Rather that talk about specifics, the conservatives used negative advertising throughout failing to get the real message of their campaign across. Having seen the same ad complaining for the past 4 weeks, I too was sick of it and lost interest in the message and the party. The audience wanted real meat. Simple, tell us who you are and what your committed to.

2. Poor creative - never got to know the leader or anyone in the party. People buy from people, we never did get to know who Timmy boy was and what he was all about. Even when he had real opportunities to talk like a human being while being interviewed on T.V. and radio he spouted the same boring messages from the commercials Surely his fart catchers could have given him some coaching on being human and telling us who he is.

3. No real concrete messages - who are you and what are going to do, give me some real benefits for voting for you, all I know is you are hammering away at your competitor and forgot to tell me who you are and why I should vote for you.

4. I did not feel the love - here you may not like the other guy, but you have to give me a reason to love you. Based on what you tried to feed me, I had no relationship with you, I have a better relationship with the NDP because I love Andrea. Don't like her politics and we will be poor if she gets in ( or when she gets in I should say) because I could feel the love. If I could feel it, then you can be rest assured that thousands of others do as well.

5. Not capitalizing the weakness of your competition - even car companies and breakfast cereals have this down pat. Capitalize on the weakness, exploit the loop holes, here the conservatives had a real opportunity to talk about the record of their opponent and say how they would make it better. All you need to do is compare the mileage and the price, we got neither.

So Timmy my boy, it looks like you are destined to be a latecomer once again and although handed a golden, yes golden opportunity to the Teflon man or the real nice lady in the orange suit.
It would be helpful next time to hire a marketing firm to help you run a campaign rather than some political hacks and fart catchers that are out of touch with the market. All I have to say farewell and good night Tim and the conservatives and I am a conservative that will wake up the day after the election and say... I told you so.

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