Monday, August 13, 2012

Quebec Election Another Round of Seperation?

A wise man once said, keep trying until you succeed and the same thing holds true with this Quebec election and the separatists.  They are going to keep trying until they succeed.  Free education, tougher language laws and enforcement of French as the business language of choice in Quebec.

That's great if you speak French and want to live on the island, however I think that language and business should not be integrated.  First off in most countries of the world the international business language is English.  Learning a language is not a problem, you should be able to do business in the choice of a language of where your customer lives.

Quebec has a habit of shooting itself in the foot however.  The economy just gets good, real estate prices are high, demand is great and then you elect a separatist government or at least a separatist minority and all your growth goes out the window.

What we need is the "All Canada Party".  The ACP would make English mandatory in Canada and make the language of choice as English and enforce it.  We would scrap all the French services provided at all levels of government in Canada and make everyone speak English.  English this and English that... you would see English everywhere.  Street signs in English, Web sites in English, we would fine people if they did not speak English and boot them out of the country if they did not speak English.  We would make all the world's languages speak English, English English.  

So now that I have that off my chest, I can go back to being a minority by living in Quebec, ducking the French Language Police and sneaking in a little English here and there.   Merci... Canada, its been fun but I am taking my French and going home.   After 25 years of living in this crazy province, nothing suprises me anymore and it should not suprise you either, because what ever happens you will end up paying for it.

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